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Emotional Intelligence

  Emotional Intelligence basically defines the competence of an individual to perceive not just his own feelings but the also the feelings of others. It is an ability to know, feel, understand and eventually judge the emotions accurately in close cooperation with one’s thought process so as to behave in a proper way. As a relatively new discipline in the field of Psychological studies, it has been proved to be powerful than I.Q. generally does. I.Q. hardly can tell or predict the success rate of an individual comprehensively; while Emotional Intelligence helps one more likely to know to succeed in everything they understand in their life. Emtional Intelligence Furthermore, the study of Emotional intelligence has wide educational and social implications for the welfare of individual and the society at large. This fact has now been proved pragmatically in the global stage. Time and again it has reflected that Emotional Intelligence is nothing but the ability to acquaint with th...

Artificial Intelligence


 Once machines were made by man and now the man is being governed by the machines”

           Human’s capability of thinking has revolutionized over the passage of time. The idea of curtailing the extensive overload of performing multiple tasks at a time has eventually led Artificial intelligence or AI to engulf the outer space of modern society comprehensively. By intelligence, the foremost perception that resembles is the arduous ability to think conventionally. The generosity of leading one’s substantial life is generally molded with the advent of thoughts. Consequently, the abundance of social formability has ultimately enforced the intellectual to assign a new agency to oversee the abandoned tasks. This is where AI has evolved out dramatically with the desire of introducing intelligence in machines as identical to human intelligence. Meanwhile, it would be an act of nonsensical by doubting at the prudent endeavor of the intellectual being. The innumerable discoveries had considerably enlightened the inclusive anticipation of human life. AI has been the supreme trustworthy of the intellect in implementing the unaccomplished goal. The significance of AI could be evidently perceived by its utmost indulgence in personal life. The excessive transformations of the progressive world as a tiny unit have untimely deducted the specific exuberance of the entire civilization and thereby move on to the kindness of artificial fellowship. Their inability to endure the heterogeneous obligations has eventually dropped down to enact its performing action. Scientists have so far been crossed the margin of a few expectancies that AI could ultimately engross the living system. They have to a certain extent analyzed the systematic application of this artificial agency for personal assistant besides general maneuver. The use of AI as a personal tool substantially for a personal assistant is chiefly discerned in Apple’s SIRI, Microsoft’s CORTANA, and Google Now. Concurrently, the sensational innovation of SOPHIA a genuine humanoid or robotic creature with highly intellectual capabilities has eventually shattered the stereotype of ecological perception.  

         The absolute reduction of the working force has been the ultimate motive behind its imposition in the mainstream.  With a rapidly expanding investment in AI, human intellectuality has marked the emergence of a new criterion. They are now engulfed with the shadow of a self-formation milieu. The substitution of human intelligence with the AI in every field could drastically vary the entire demography of the world. Meanwhile, Humans’ over-reliance on machines would eventually cut-down their mental capabilities everlastingly. A critical sense of agitation has automatically evolved out of the proceeding scenario that the probability rate of the AI’s overtaking capabilities has raised to such a paramount point that the interception level for the human being has been abandoned completely. Recently, in various research works it has also been revealed that by the next decade there would be an enormous decline in the production of employment for the general youths as the artificial intelligentsia would gain a significant stratum which directly would evacuate the long queue of social settlement. However, there has also been the possibility of losing control over AI as soon as it falls into a wrong administrator. The only measure to balance the system is to make AI only for the improvement of human lives rather than making it more like a human-like creature. AI should be created and introduced in such a way that it comprises of enlightening proficiency which is righteous of making any mistakes in the society. Thus, the foremost ideal should be to understand the circumstances and unearth the actual root of the crisis. The perfect utilization of AI into the wellbeing of human beings is thereby the ultimate medium through which the balancing of contemporary issues is vastly possible. Perfect analysis, synchronization of the undetected facts, and exhilaration of the excessive domain upon the entire system are the vital aspects of monitoring the different agencies of human civilization.


  1. Lets make this world a much better place to live in.

  2. That's what I think too artificial intelligence are the future of todays world they will make our works faster and efficient and will also help in mass production of many new technological developments.It is a great step in human future.It is even said by Alan mask that in mars mission AI will be a need.

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