Lt. Manabendra Rabha(21.06.1954 to 21.02.2018) |
Everyone does have an idol or a heroic figure during one’s childhood. In my case, it was none other than my own father whom I looked up as the only person with a supreme soul who usually was considered as a messiah for the prosperity of the society through his noble deeds. He was a great example or the outline that “human is a social being”. With a charismatic personality, my father was engulfed with an extremely generous, a dynamic, courage, wisdom, touches of humor, mobility, vibrant, pre-determined and most profoundly a man with a divine soul. His perspective upon human life was entirely distinctive to that of a normal human being. There has been always a sense of self-esteem which was naturally generated by his presence. The most vital lesson that I have profoundly learned from my father is ‘to be a good human being for the noble cause of society’. He always showed me the avenue as to how one should try to be an extrovert my heart and mind and thereby help the needy in a prosperous manner. My bonding with him was very friendly and in a very substantial manner. Most of the time we had spent together was the discussions on various contemporary issues rather than any family matters. The enormous obligation of the society that he had eventually put upon his shoulder had certainly abandoned the little opportunities of the father-son duo to perform the social liabilities accordingly. But I do have the great regard and respect for the man who sacrificed the common subjected family goals for the sake of the society at large. I have seen a real fighter who kept fighting with the much deteriorating body till last breath. The strong inclination to live and work for the society had eventually put him into a distinctive level of its own privilege.
Manabendra Rabha(R) with the then president of India Gyani Zail Singh(L) during the Assam Movement. |
Brief description of his life & work: As a social worker he was both politically and socially engaged with various organizations and institutions till the last moment (Organizations such as BJP, AGP, ARSU, and the AASU). Manabendra Rabha is basically known as the prime mouthpiece of the Rabha Community in their prolonged fight for an autonomous council as well as for attaching a special status(6th Schedule) for the Rabha tribe under Article 244 of the Indian Constitution. His enormous endeavor for the wellbeing of the society has been the pivotal hallmark throughout his entire lifespan. Culturally he immensely enlightened me to enrich the socio-cultural sensibility within me. With his immense knowledge upon the social setup, my father was extremely rationale by nature. His substantial affectionate towards the society had seldom enforced him to remain apart from the responsibility of his own family. Consequently, this had put an immense impact on the stability of the family for a long period of time. Although with such a family crisis his dedication for the society remained static which could be easily determined from the moment when even during his battle with the disease he was enthusiastically engaged with several social activities. His capacity of leading society has eventually been the absolute reason behind his self-establishment as a holistic social being. His contribution to the well being of the society has set a remarkable milestone for the entire generations to have a gracious livelihood. I’m greatly thankful to the almighty for giving me such a privilege to be the son of such a great noble soul. I also take the honor to heartily thank all the people who tried every possible means to help my father to keep him alive till his last breath.
"Love you, BABA."
Some of the precious moments of Mr. Manabendra Rabha during his entire lifespan in one frame. |
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